Spay & Neuter
Spay / neutering is the only sustainable way to reduce and humanely control the ever growing dog population.
With the support of Worldwide Veterinary Service, the Foundation Aide Vétérinaire International, Edgard & Cooper and many other donors, we are continiously running spay/neuter clinics in order to humanely control the dog population and put an end to the suffering a lot of neglected and abandoned animals have to endure.
Rabies Vaccination
In Tanzania, rabies claims the lives of 1,500 humans per year.
The World Health Organisation and OIE World Organisation for Animal Health, advocate a ‘One Health’ approach to rabies control – vaccination of at least 70% of the dog population in a rabies-endemic area prevents the spread of rabies between dogs and its transmission to people.
Our yearly rabies vaccination campaigns with Mission Rabies and other partners, are following this recommendation which helps to prevent future cases in our area and plays an important part in the reduction of this deadly disease.

Community Service & Veterinary Clinic
By bringing your pet to our clinic, you are financing our efforts to rescue and re-habilitate injured and neglected street dogs as well as the treatment of those pets, who’s owners otherwise couldn’t afford treatment for their animals.
Our experienced clinic team will provide the best care for your pet. The Mbwa Wa Africa Veterinary Clinic is equipped with an X-Ray, Ultrasound and many other essential tools for proper diagnostic in order to provide your pet with the best health care possible.
Rescue & Rehabilitation
In Tanzania, like in many other countries around the world, companion animals are mostly not kept as pets. The majority of them are guard dogs, sick or unwanted dogs are either killed, dumped on the streets or left wandering around to survive.
Many of our rescues are found on the side of the road, often near death from starvation or injury. Since many of these animals have endured inhumane conditions and sustained abusive treatment at the hands of their owners, they are approached with great care and patience. Once the animals recognise that they are in a safe, nurturing, and loving environment, their aggressive behaviours dissipate and they can begin the process of rehabilitation and recovery.

All rescues receive the highest affordable quality of care by our staff in order to promote recovery, health, and well-being. Medical treatment is administered for injured animals and all are monitored throughout the healing process. Severely injured and special needs animals are cared for around the clock by night staff that monitor their condition.
Animals are fed twice daily however puppies, kittens, elderly, or infirm animals receive meals as needed to promote health. Ideally, animals who are healthy enough for exercise are walked at least once a day regardless of weather conditions.
We make sure that all our animals are re-homed with appropriate owners where they can have a happy life.
Mbwa wa Africa’s educational programme is aimed to enhance children’s perception towards dogs & cats, so that subsequent generations will view canines/felines in a more positive manner. By enhancing the knowledge of primary school children, they feel more comfortable around animals and it is our goal that animals will be treated in a more humane way.
Topics include proper care of animals, medical needs of dogs/cats, constructive human behaviours around dogs/cats, and reading the body language of dogs/cats. This programme is paired with educational materials to hopefully have a longer lasting impact.