Sponsor an Animal

Set up a mothly Donation to sponsor one
of our Redisents. All our Special Needs
Rescues have a permanent home at Mbwa
Wa Africa.



Make a One-Time Donation

Thank you for making a Donation towards
our Recue Centre. Every amount helps us
to care for animals in need and to keep
our Dogs & Cats safe and happy.




€10.00 – Vaccinates 4 dogs against rabies


25.00 – Cost for a dog for one month, includes cost for food and human care


30.00 – Sterilizes a dog


155 € – 670 € – Salary for Staff Members

If you are a UK resident, you can add Gift Aid. You can use the Donate Button Below to Donate via our Scottish Sister Charity “Four Steps To Freedom”.

Deposits can also be made into the below Bank Accounts

Exim Bank (Tanzania) Accounts

Account Name: Mbwa wa Africa Animal Rescue
TZS Account 0030026290
USD Account 0030026291
Exim Bank (T) Ltd.
P.O. Box 14319,
Samora Avenue
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Exim Bank Swift: EXTNTZTZ

Sparkasse Lemgo

TierhilfeTansania e.V.
IBAN DE67 4825 0110 0007 1796 82



Where your money goes


Support us while doing online shopping

Corporate Funding

We are registered with Benevity, a corporate fundraising platform offering corporate purpose in one place.Donate

You can also support us on betterplace.org


Did you know that when you’re selling your unwanted goods on eBay, not only can you declutter, but also donate some or all of the money to support our work? Simply add us to your favourites..Donate