Founding Members
In 2019 former volunteers and friends of Sandra and Jens decided that more help is needed to keep the animal shelter in Tanzania running. They founded the Tierhilfe Tansania e.V.
The Charity aims to help raise funds for Mbwa Wa Africa, mainly for the running costs for food, staff and provinding medical services for our rescues, amongst other fundraising goals.

Louise Süring
Louise Süring came to MbwaWa Africa for the first time in 2016 to volunteer at the shelter for six months. During this time she adopted her beloved dog Dotty which now lives with her in Germany. Louise has stayed in close contact with the founders and returns regularly to help on-site. She is currently completing her studies to become a primary school teacher with the goal to help with MWA’s educational program.

Anika Bettermann

Kathi Heflik
The first time Kathi Heflik came to Mbwa wa Africa was in 2016, when she volunteered at the shelter for six months. In 2018 she returned for six weeks to help out again. After that she started studying Cultural sciences and Regional Studies for Asia and Africa with the main focus on East Africa in Berlin where she also works as a journalist.

Our Mission
• Aid in the reduction of disease, especially rabies amongst dogs and control reproductive numbers.
• Ensure that any animal that is abused, injured or in danger to itself or others is rescued with the intent on improving its health and well being.
• Ensure that once a dog has been rehabilitated and in good health that it is re-homed where it will receive continual care and rehabilitation.
• Raise the level of community awareness regarding animal rights and welfare of domestic dogs and other animals.
Our Vision
MWA’s vision is to realize a fundamental change in the mentality and understanding of animal welfare and rights within the local community, and through this to enable all animals, domestic or otherwise, to be treated in a fair and reasonable manner.