Our Dreamshelter
Dear friends,
our dream born from the desperate need for a new shelter is at last within touching distance!
When we founded Mbwa Wa Africa in 2013, never we could have imagined the amazing journey it would take us on.
Our mission then was to rescue injured, neglected, and abused dogs and cats. To give them loving care, a safe shelter to recover and the veterinary attention they needed to finally find a loving home or stay with us for the rest of their lives.
Soon we also started to organize regular rabies vaccination campaigns, holding spay and neuter clinics, and educating children in animal welfare and rabies prevention.
With your generous help we came so far, and we will be forever grateful to all our wonderful supporters!
However, we are still desperate for funds to continue and take Mbwa wa Africa to the next level!
What started as a seed of an idea 7 years ago, has blossomed, and our garden is far too small for the overwhelming need for a new and bigger shelter and a veterinary clinic on side.
As the only registered shelter in the Arusha region, we see the overwhelming response from the community, and we are proud to see the huge impact we’ve made on increasing the awareness of animal welfare.
We are overjoyed to report that thanks to Four Steps To Freedom in Scotland we’ve managed to buy a new property!
We already established a provisional clinic on side, but even now our office still regularly doubles as an in-patient ward for village and street dogs, because we have no alternative, and the shelter is always over capacity.
We from Mbwa Wa Africa are so humbled and proud about everything that could already been achieved, but it’s still far from ready for our and the animal’s needs. We need to continue the building and renovation as soon as possible, and the sooner the better.
For that, we urgently need your help to make our dreams become reality!
Please help us to continue improving the lives of the dogs and cats of Tanzania!